The Funeral Service of Albert Jones

Funeral Service for the late Sophia Ramcharan Tuesday 9th March 2021 11am GMT.

Nottingham Central Zoom
Watch below

Invocation - Tammy - Bridgford Hub, England
Introit – Van Hansen Family – Bridgton Oudtshoorn SDA, South Africa
Welcome – Tammy - Bridgford Hub, England
Song Service – Matengu Family – Windhoek SDA, Namibia
1) In My Heart
2) Burdens are Lifted at Calvary
3) I Have Decided to follow Jesus
Scripture Reading – Revelation 21:1-7 - Hanna Cassidy – Lisbon SDA, Portugal
Prayer – David Symons – Amicus SDA, South Africa
Tithes and Offering – Nicolas Van Hansen - Bridgton Oudtshoorn SDA, South Africa
Children’s Ministry – Any Pereira – Cambuci SDA, Brazil
Meditational – Frank Morgan – Run To Jesus – Potsdam SDA, Germany
Sermon – All Things New – Pastor Curtis Murphy – Bridgford Hub SDA, England
Closing Song – We Shall Behold Him – Danielle Brown – Whitfield Town SDA, Jamaica
Benediction – Pastor Curtis Murphy – Bridgford Hub SDA, England
Extroit – Van Hansen Family – Bridgton Oudtshoorn SDA, South Africa
Nottingham Adventure and Pathfinder Investiture Program
16th January 2021
Adventurers and Pathfinders Call to Attention - Jr Counsellor Nathanial
Drums and posting of flags - Sharon
Adventurer Pledge, Law and Song - Newton, Kylah, Miah and Shanae
Pathfinder Pledge, Law and Song - Companion Class
Opening Prayer - Explorer Class
Club Director’s Spot - Sharon and Iris
Why I’m an Adventurer - Nadia
Happiness is the Lord - Ainsley and Nicole
Why I’m a Pathfinder - Voyager Class
Sponsor’s Spot - Devon
Investiture ceremony - Directors and Counsellors
Special Item - Adventurer
Comments and Charge - Area Coordinator’s
Prayer - Area Coordinator’s
Retire Flags - Video - Maranga
Call to Attention and Dismissal - Iris

“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”

Excerpt from Letter to the NEC Church Family, Pastor & President Richard Jackson
The virtual communion service will take place today at 3:30pm. During the communion service, time will be set aside for you to wash the feet of those within your household or for you to call someone from another household to pray with them. We encourage you all during this section, to reflect upon the purpose of the communion service and utilise the time afforded to you to embrace the solemnity of the service. This service will be broadcast on the NEC YouTube Channel.

Sabbath School November 28th 2020
Taken by The Johns Family
09:10 - Meet & Greet Time
09:20 - Welcome - Sis. Sharon Henriques
09:25 - Opening & Garden of Prayer - Sis Iris Johns
09:30 - Song\Hymn of Praise - The Family
09:36 - Opening Hymn\song - Sing along with The Family
09:47 - Introduction to the Sabbath School Lesson -
Sis D Mellis & Bro Darron Wint
09:55 - Sundays Lesson - Bro Randel Barrett
10:02 - Mondays Lesson - Bro Ainsley Johns
10:09 - Tuesdays Lesson - Bro Chris Harris
10:16 - Wednesdays Lesson - Bro Sam Farmer
10:23 - Thursday\Fridays Lesson - Pastor K Johns
10:30 - Mission Story - Sis Geraldine Farmer
10:37 - Offering & Prayer - Bro Levon Johns
10:40 - Thanksgiving and birthdays - Sis Marva
10:45 - Hymn\song to close - The Family
10:51 - Prayer to close Sabbath School - Bro Levon Johns

Sabbath School November 28th 2020
Taken by The Johns Family
09:10 - Meet & Greet Time
09:20 - Welcome - Sis. Sharon Henriques
09:25 - Opening & Garden of Prayer - Sis Iris Johns
09:30 - Song\Hymn of Praise - The Family
09:36 - Opening Hymn\song - Sing along with The Family
09:47 - Introduction to the Sabbath School Lesson -
Sis D Mellis & Bro Darron Wint
09:55 - Sundays Lesson - Bro Randel Barrett
10:02 - Mondays Lesson - Bro Ainsley Johns
10:09 - Tuesdays Lesson - Bro Chris Harris
10:16 - Wednesdays Lesson - Bro Sam Farmer
10:23 - Thursday\Fridays Lesson - Pastor K Johns
10:30 - Mission Story - Sis Geraldine Farmer
10:37 - Offering & Prayer - Bro Levon Johns
10:40 - Thanksgiving and birthdays - Sis Marva
10:45 - Hymn\song to close - The Family
10:51 - Prayer to close Sabbath School - Bro Levon Johns

Click the on the flyer above to go to YouTube or watch it below or for a more interactive experience by joining on Zoom, please contact the Bridgford Hub SDA Church using the methods below:
Call: +447526 115 061
Text: +447526 115 061
WhatsApp: +447526 115 061
Email: connect@bridgfordhubadventist.org.uk
Website: https://bridgfordhubadventist.org.uk

Nottingham Central Church Leadership Team
are encouraging its members to join in supporting the above NEC Evangelistic Campaign for the next three Sabbaths and intervening days!
For more information and to watch online visit:
You can still watch the promotional video below.
View and download the custom interactive PDF here.
Please share.
Re - the above - Pathwayofhope.pdf:- for some brands of phone/pdf software the "Click to Watch" button may not deliver the desired result (i.e. doesn't work). In this case simply Click the main title Pathway Of Hope or click the link at the bottom of the page. www.pathwayofhope.co.uk

To view and download the informative clickable PDF for the Stanborough Open Day click here.

9:10am: Sabbath School
11:15am: Divine Service
Welcome, announcement & family prayer - R. Mokaya
Praise & Worship (Two songs & opening hymn) - Eddie Francis
Scripture Reading (Samuel chapter 27) – Pastor Murphy
Offering and reflection – M. Smith
Sermon (Decisions Decisions) – Pastor Murphy
Closing hymn (533 (Will Your Anchor Hold) – Eddie Francis
Benediction – Pastor Murphy
View or download the clickable PDF for this divine service here.
To make a comment or request information please complete the online form by clicking on the icon below.

In preparation for our youths return to formal education next week, the Bridgford Hub SDA Church is hosting a Pep talk session on Zoom.
We have a panel of adults and youths from our churches who will be going through certain aspects of the back to school experience which you may be anxious about.
Please join us from 1600 tomorrow Sunday 30 August for some practical advice and a chance to ask questions about issues you may be worried about.
Adults are welcome.
The document below is here for your reference:
COVID-19 - Opening of Nottingham City Schools
For more information and to request an interactive PDF which holds details and links for joining the Zoom meeting please contact the Bridgford Hub SDA Church using the methods below:
Call: +447526 115 061
Text: +447526 115 061
WhatsApp: +447526 115 061
Email Us: connect@bridgfordhubadventist.org.uk