The Pathfinder Director is Iris Johns who is assisted by Edna Mokaya. The secretary is Hannah Christie-Phillips.
They work with a team of ten talented counsellors and junior counsellors.
The Pathfinders meet throughout the academic year for regular club meetings, honours activities and camp outs so do come back regularly to find out what’s going on and how you can take part.
Please see the Nottingham Central calendar (link for calendar) for additional event dates and details.

You are most welcome to join the Pathfinder Club if you are aged between ten and fifteen years of age.
You must register with the club and be prepared to keep the Pathfinder pledge and law.
There is an annual registration fee. Pathfinders have a field and full dress uniform worn at club meetings and outings.

There is a curriculum which will support you in learning about the Bible, serving the community, developing socially and also developing leadership skills whilst also experiencing nature, camping and gaining many skills through the honours you will complete.
The Counsellors will support you with your learning and development.

You can find out how to access this Zoom meeting and more by contacting the Pathfinder Director Iris Johns by the methods below:
Call: 07719 921826
Text: 07719 921 826
WhatsApp: 07719 921 826
Email: ijohns@ncsda.org.uk
Future events of particular note will be posted here.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions club meetings are taking place via Zoom every 1st and 2nd Saturday in the month starting at 2:30pm and ending at 4:00pm.
(The Zoom room opens at 2:15 so that you can be allocated to a breakout room for your class.)
You can find out how to access the Zoom meetings and more by contacting the Pathfinder Director Iris Johns by the methods below:
Call: 07719 921826
Text: 07719 921 826
WhatsApp: 07719 921 826
Email: ijohns@ncsda.org.uk
or use the form below.

Useful Links
Areas 4 and 7 Pathfinder Website