The Youth Ministries department is ably lead by Sis Zara Williams supported by a strong and committed committee.
The youth are involved in various activities and programs such as the regular Zoom meetings.

No feature events at this time.

Zoom meetings every Sabbath 3pm - 5pm (with a break first Sabbath of the month).

Zoom Details
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8229264931?pwd=amNHUUlDaExUb0xFaTdCSFhPK0xyQT09
Meeting ID: 822 926 4931
Passcode: 120385
You can find out more by contacting Zara using any of the methods below:
Call: 07448 407 754
Text: 07448 407 754
WhatsApp: 07448 407 754
Email: zwilliams@ncsda.org.uk

Stay Connected

Request prayer by clicking on the image below and submitting the appropriately completed contact form.
The information will be sent directly to Zara.