(Hosted by East Midlands Pathfinders)


NCSDA Church Image

On this page you will find information about our Covid-19 related news.

This website is preliminary and will remain until the website proper is set up, which will appear in due course and can be found Here.

A Contact Us section is provided below should you require any further assistance.

"Please remember to continue putting your Faith and Trust in the Lord Jesus and Pray earnestly for this to pass so we can meet again soon."


We have carried out a covid-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the our church members.
We have cleaning, hand washing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance.
We have taken all reasonable steps to help people worship from home.
We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in church.
Where people cannot be 2m apart, we have done everything practical to manage transmission risks.

Useful Links